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We are a sport family. My husband and I enjoy sports, and so do our girls.  It's something I did from as long as I can remember. I really did love to compete. However, when I was finishing up my high school career, I thought I would never want to see a sport again. I just wanted a break, I was burnt out.  So after graduation I was in heaven. It was great! No practices, no games. nothing. I could do whatever I wanted when I wanted with no extra obligations to prevent me from doing so. As time went by and the newness of "freedom" wore off, I missed it. The thrill of competition is something I began to long for again. My husband and I participated in some co-ed leagues like softball and volleyball, and it was a lot of fun. By then we began to have children and extra activities like that seemed to take a back burner. I remember telling my husband, that even though I loved sports so much, I didn't want to force anything on my girls, I wanted them to choose it because they ...

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