The Simple Truth

Saturday morning we all loaded into the car to head to a basketball game.

When we got there before we got out of the car, Matt prayed for safety, fun, and thankfulness for being able to be be there at that time and place.


There was a time, prayers never came out of our lips. At the beginning of our relationship, we didn't go to church, if we did it was sporadic. I remember one time when we did go, listening to a sermon about couples praying together; I wondered to myself, would we ever be like that? 

Praying together, talking about what was bothering us or what we needed help with, that just wasn't something we did as a couple. We were better at taking deep offense to things that were said or done that we didn't like or my personal favorite ignoring the situation and giving the silent treatment. Those were the types of communication we had. Both too stubborn to want to change at the time. Our way was the right way.


Thirteen years of marriage is what we have made it thus far. Up until about ten years, we did what we wanted, put ourselves first, and although we believed in God, he really wasn't at the top of our relationship. We still had a lot of selfishness that we had to let go of; a lot of control that we had to release; and a lot of pride that had to be squashed.

What changed for us? The answer is simple. It was Jesus. But it isn't the Jesus, that sometimes the church likes to portray. The one that only loves you because you are a good person, or the one that only loves you because you do what you're "supposed to do", you show up to church on time and check off all the boxes of what a Christian is supposed to be. That Jesus isn't Jesus at all.

The Jesus that we found is the one who gave his life so we could have ours. He doesn't chastise you when you make a mistake, he doesn't hold grudges because you messed up, he doesn't keep score that says I'm better than you, or make you feel that you'll never measure up. The Jesus we found is the one that truly saves you.

When we both found Him, we began to realize just what it means to love. To love unconditionally. Love not based on what we do for each other, but love for each other because of what Jesus did for us when neither of us were worthy. Instead of choosing anger for every little thing we felt we were wronged for, we began to choose grace.

We found The Simple Truth.

Jesus loves us through everything, so we love each other through everything. No. Matter. What.

Grace through faith.
That's it.
With love,


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