Hiding in the Closet

 Here's my recycling closet.

Anyone else have one of these?

Maybe it's not your recycling closet, maybe it's your junk drawer, or your garage or some other area of your house.

A place where you just keep stuffing and stuffing and stuffing until it's overflowing. You know you shouldn't. Each time you add another piece to the pile you tell yourself, you need to take it out; that you should be the responsible adult and stop adding to the chaos. But you don't; you ignore that feeling. I'll just deal with it tomorrow, you tell yourself. Right now I don't have the time, energy, or give a to deal with it. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Tomorrow comes and goes. Then the next day, the next day and then the next. Before you know it the mess is above your head. Your tiny problem has become a massive mountain of junk right before your very eyes and there isn't anyone else to blame.

My closet sometimes makes me ashamed. Ashamed that I don't have it all together. That I'm just maybe too lazy, not good enough, or that I have dare I say a "weakness."

Its just easier to shut the door and pretend it's not there. No one knows, and I don't have to face it. It works for a while. That is until someone goes to open the closet door, and all of the my mountain goes spilling out over the top of them. My mess is now out the open for them to see. 

What will they think, what will they say, what will they do now that they know?

Hopefully they will say, I understand.

Hopefully they will say, I'm listening.

Hopefully, they will help clean up the mess, rather than just walking away with all the contents spilled out all over the floor.

Hopefully, they will be the friend today, so I can be the friend tomorrow.

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2

With love,


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