Third child. Always a "day late and a dollar short" with her.
Doesn't mean I love her less, just means, well she's one, we have two older kids, and well frankly she doesn't understand.
Olly's birthday was last week. We had field trips, school, spirit week, revival, and Dad was working nights, so her birthday blog post got pushed back.
This week we had an anniversary, soccer, and life, so it got pushed back again. Bless her, maybe when she gets old enough to understand she'll realize, I love her so, but life just gets in the way sometimes or maybe she'll see a mama that tried to make it special even if it was a little late.
Without further ado...let's celebrate this little one
Olly, also known as Ollywood.
12 months or 365 days old.
She climbs on anything that is lifted off the ground. She grins so big that it makes her little nose wrinkle up and her eyes turn into little slits on her face. She's got the bluest eyes with just a hint of brown in her right eye (this is where I marked her, so if you didn't think she was mine, this is proof!) She loves climbing in the kitchen cabinets and dragging everything out into the middle of the floor. Girl, loves meat sticks, ravioli, bananas and that's about it.
Mom's shadow. Please don't touch her silky blanket unless you want to see a toddler tantrum take place. Monkey see, monkey do is her game. Trying to babble, but honestly we have no idea what she's saying. Shakes her head yes and no. Grins at you when you say no and then continues to do what she's doing. Comes running when she hears the bathroom door is open, so she can go play in the drawers and the toilet (I do not support this, but it is a fact.) Her hippo is our saving grace so she'll sleep through the night in her room. Loves to be right in the middle of everything and big sisters are who she looks up to (literally and figuratively.)
Olly olly bo bolly, we love you darling girl and you make our little family complete.
With love,
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