A Heaping Helping of Southern Hospitality

I've not traveled much. I've stuck pretty close to the place I call home. Growing up especially in a small town, everyone pretty much knew everyone and even if you didn't you said hello or waved as they were passing or maybe even "How are you doing today?" That old-fashioned southern hospitality. The genuine kind. The kind that when it is shown to you, you feel special, invited, welcomed, and even loved.

I think most of us have forgotten that. We have been so busy trying to prove we are right and that are opinion is the one that is worth listening to, that we've forgotten one of the two greatest commandments. Love your neighbor as yourself. Southern hospitality at its finest.

Our minds have become so wrapped around "my rights" and "my choice" that we've forgotten that's not what this life is about, at least the way I read it. Jesus gave us two commandments: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind. AND love your neighbor as yourself.

Passive aggressive comments, jokes, and statements about our current situations have no place among us.  Nobody has all the answers and let's face it, who says that you are right? I mean you could be totally right. Or you could be totally wrong. But the point of the matter is that whether you are right or wrong, that's not what people are going to remember. They will forget the words, but they won't forget your persona, your attitude, and how the way you spoke made them feel.

When we speak our opinions, especially through social media platform, are we asking ourselves, why are we sharing this? Are we looking for support? Are we looking for people who already think like us to agree and give us an Amen or a #truth? Will what we have shared build everyone up that reads it or will it cause some to feel less than? If we are honest, can we really change someone's mind through a clever post? 

I think a heaping helping of southern hospitality is what's missing from our lives right now. A mindset, that it isn't all about me, it's about others. Service for our fellow neighbor. Putting someone else's needs above our wants. What can I do for others and how can I do it in a way that reflects Jesus?

 Whenever I'm feeling conflicted with how to react or what to say, I always go back to how would Jesus handle this situation? Oftentimes, I realize my way and His way are very different and it's not always natural for me to choose His way. However, when I let him lead, it always turns out so much better than I could've imagined.

Start dishing it out and maybe you'll just see Jesus show up in unexpected places. 

One of the ones who taught me what it means to love your neighbor.

With love,


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