Who is Better Than Who?

My level of faith for a long time was “I do a lot of good things, and I’m not as bad as so and so, so I’m good.”

I would go through the list in my head, well I don’t do this or this and I definitely don’t do this. I’m a pretty good person, we will just sweep my struggles underneath the rug in the back room in my head that what I don’t have to think about them. Only the good stuff gets to make its way to the forefront.

I would hear preaching and think well he isn’t talking about me, I wonder who he is talking about, they must be really bad.

This was me. This was my mind. How I got to be that way I’m not sure, I knew Jesus loved sinners but I also knew Jesus wanted us to choose right from wrong and I didn’t always make the cut in that particular area. So I guess when I compared what was all around me it boosted my ego and my pride to think , “Hey I’m doing better than a lot of people, so I should get into heaven.” Right?

I’m not exactly sure when it dawned on me nor when I came to the realization that I was wrong. I was wrong on so many levels. I was wrong in thinking I could earn my way into Heaven. I was wrong in thinking I could compare myself with others to judge who was better. I was wrong in thinking all those sermons weren’t about me. I was wrong in thinking I could sweep my struggles under a rug and pretend they weren’t there or hadn’t done them. I was just wrong.

That word hurts doesn’t it. To know you were completely and 100% wrong. To know you have a flaw and that if you’re not careful someone might see it peeking through.

The great thing about Jesus is, he saw me with all my wrongness and my insecurities and my pride and he still pursued. He didn’t write me off, he didn’t say she’s too far gone in her thinking, she can’t change. He worked through my inabilities and helped rewire my brain into the way that works for His good and His glory.

Please note that just because your struggle isn’t physical like drugs or alcohol means you are doing all the rights things. The most blind people are the ones who sit in church every week and think they’ve made it. Trust me I was one of them.

The moment you think you’ve made it and that you’ve done enough good things is the moment you need to “check yourself before you wreck yourself.”

I share this because I often see people classify others by their mistakes and their past. Let’s not. Let’s do better than that.

So when we are asked the question who is better than who, we respond with we are all just sinners in need of a Savior.

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:3‬

With love,


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