
"So we make it our goal to please him, whether were at home in the body or away from it." 
2 Cor. 5:9

It's that time again. Time for new goals and new resolutions. With the new year only a few days away, most start thinking about what they want to accomplish in the next 365 days.

It's a fresh start and a new beginning. Whether you normally are a goal-oriented person or not, the New Year always brings about an attitude of people of wanting to change their current situation. Adjusting their lifestyle to one that will make them happier, more successful, and healthier.

I personally like setting goals and resolutions because it keeps myself in check and helps me reflect on personal growth in many different areas of my life.

Just as every year comes with hills and valleys, so did 2019 for me. Those pesky old habits still stuck around even though I told them to be gone on more than one occasion. The exercise that I so desperately wanted to do, go pushed to the back burner because well adulting is hard. The patience that I prayed for got tested day after day because if you didn't know, when you pray for something like patience, he is going to give you plenty of opportunities to practice said patience.

It's easy to focus on all the things you didn't accomplish that you really truly wanted for yourself. It's so much easier to pick out the bad than it is the good. I'm not sure why. I just know it to be true. We want to see results because after all we are a culture of "instant gratification", I want what I want when I want it, and I want it now.  Those results can either make us or break us, and often times the latter is true. But it doesn't have to be that way. Sometimes those results that break us are the very things God intended to use to make us. The hard times are just as important as the good times. The failed attempts are just as rewarding as the successful times, it is all a matter of perspective. What perspective do you choose on a day to day basis? Is it one that sees all that goes wrong in the world and with people, or is it one that sees all the good in people and the blessings you do have?

In the year 2020, my perspective will be to...

Eat dessert first.
My grandma always grabbed her a slice of pie or cake before she had her dinner and if she baked you a cake or brownies for your birthday there was always going to be one missing. She said she had to make sure it "tasted good." I want to follow her example. Enjoy the sweets first, instead of saving them for last. Take time to play with my children before work, rather than giving them what's left over of me after work. Take time to journal in the morning, rather than waiting until the end of the day then never getting it done because the day had enough trouble of its own.

Go for it with Gusto.
When I want to do something new, I plan, then I analyze, then I seek support, then I plan and analyze it some more. Often times, it ends in me never following through because somewhere along the way, I felt someone didn't like my idea. This year, I want to go for it. I want to jump into the pile of leaves and not worry about gravity and have faith that the leaves will break my fall.

Run without a destination.
As a kid the best feeling to me was running until I couldn't possibly run anymore. Out of breath, but knowing I ran as fast as I could for as long as I could with no finish line. This year I want to run without a finish line. I don't want to check off my list as I get things done, I want to run the race day to day, just for the fun and joy of it.

Enjoy God's beautiful creation.
From the ladybug to the beauty of a cotton candy sky. I want to take notice of it all. No more rush, just deep breaths standing in the awe of a great and mighty God.

Rest is for weaklings and I'm no weakling or so I thought. It has been my motto for sometime now. This year I want rest. An afternoon of nothing to do but rest. Rest that rejuvenates me, connects me, and motivates me. God rested so why shouldn't I?


With love,


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