If I Should Fall Behind

My favorite song that we played at our wedding was one by Bruce Springsteen. Not sure if it was popular back in its day, but my brother-in-law was the one who introduced me to it. He has a knack for picking good music. He told me about this group that liked their "chicken fried" long before anyone knew who they were.

Once he played me this song, I fell in love. Some people listen to music because they like to hear the beat and the rhythm. I am the type that listens to music to hear the lyrics, and once I heard this one I knew it was going to go in my all time favorites list.

As I was listening, this verse caught my attention:

Now everyone dreams of love lasting and true
Oh, but you and I know what this world can do
So let's make our steps clear that the other may see
I'll wait for you
And if I should fall behind
Wait for me

Relationships are full of moments like this. Where one person gets ahead of the other in one way or another. Could be their job, their want for a family, their finances, their faith. Just like children we all grow and develop at different rates when it comes to certain things.

When that point comes in your marriage, in your parenting, or with your family & friends, wait. Wait and pray. It's very easy for our focus to get narrowed into where we are at, what we are doing, and how our life is going, but we can't forget to look up. When we do, we see that our friend, our spouse, or our child is falling behind and we need to wait for them to catch up.

As I told my bible journaling group, the world does not revolve around me, no matter how much I try to make it. We are not called to serve ourselves, but to serve others. As we shift our focus to others, we realize just how much people need relationships and support in this life. We definitely were not made to do this life alone, so take notice of who needs you in your life today and if they are falling behind, wait for them to catch up, and even lend a hand to help them out along the way.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 
Galatians 6:2

With love,


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