Sister, Sister

Remember that saying ...

What are little girls made of? Little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice.

Yeah, maybe some days. Some days my little 3 darlings are full of love for each other and for us as parents you sit back and think, how wonderful this world is with you in it. 

Then the next day rolls around and their clawing each other’s eyes out because their sister sat in the front seat where they were supposed to sit. Or their sister took the toy that they were thinking about in their mind and just so happened to want as soon as the other laid a finger on it. Yeah those days are the ones where you think to yourself, that person who made up that quote was totally fibbing.

Trying to raise our daughters to be Christ-like is definitely easier said than done. I thought to myself one day, what am I doing wrong. These girls are ferocious! How in the world am I going to get these girls to love and look out for one another when life comes at them like a roaring lion taking their feet right from underneath them?

Then I got to thinking again, what is my relationship like with my sisters? Then I started to smile. Because it dawned on me, everything is going to be okay. I love my sisters dearly, but there were times just like these growing up that we were just like the days I’m living right now.

I remember a time when I used to steal my sisters clothes out of her closet because of course her stuff was SO much better than mine. I remember a time when I kicked my sister from the back seat of the car because she would t stop calling me a baby. I remember a time fussing at my little sister because she wouldn’t listen to me.

Then, I remember a time when my sister listened to me when my heart was broken because someone said something mean to me. I remember a time seeing my sister go halfway across the world and think how brave she was. I remember seeing my sisters take a step out and follow Jesus and think I want to do that too! 

I remember.

Our life is full of ups and downs but just like the seasons of life, there are seasons in sisterhood. Some seasons are full of life and bloom into something beautiful and extraordinary. Some seasons are dark, cold, and barren. But just like the seasons, we change, we grow, and come out on the other side stronger than ever. I’m so thankful for the sisters I have and how we all learn from each other in our different stages of life.

My prayer for my own is that they can look at their sisters the way I look at mine. Strong women who follow God with all of their heart. ❤️

“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Proverbs 31:29

With love,



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