Oh But My Darling, What If You Fly?

Change is scary. It’s uncomfortable. It’s hard. It’s also necessary for growth. Change is a part of life whether anyone likes it or not. And those who resist it are only cheating themselves. The way I see it is when you allow change to happen you are allowing a better version of yourself to be created and that can never be a bad thing as long as you are allowing God to work through you.

Little sister as you prepare for the next step of your life adventure, remember embrace change with arms wide open. Spread your wings and fly. And if you’re scared, that’s okay, take that first step with hands trembling and lips quivering. Work hard at everything you do as if working for the Lord and not for men. Be humble. Be strong and rooted in your faith. Be yourself and bend for no one because “those who mind don’t matter and those who matter won’t mind.”

Baby girl you are gonna do great things!

With love,


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