Just Do You!

All my life I have tried to fit myself into "the box". The box that says I should be this type of person, live this type of life, do these types of things, eat these type of foods, and the list for the box goes on.  I've tried and tried and tried to stay in the box. Blending in, not being different, not too noticeable, fitting in with the masses so I don't have to explain being different.

A few blogs ago, I talked about as Christians we should be a different kind of people.  But I felt like I needed to talk a little bit further about these differences.  This world is harsh sometimes, and even the most rooted Christian can find themselves struggling reverting back to their previous selves. Why? It might be easier, it might be more comfortable, or it might be for fear. Fear of being found out that maybe, just maybe you aren't who you say you are or are pretending to be.

This was me all day long.  Living in fear that I might be discovered. Living with the idea that just because I felt differently about a particular situation or had a different viewpoint, that I was the one who was wrong in my thinking. I was terrified that people would think less of me or say things about me or just not like me.  For a people pleaser, the worst thing is to think someone doesn't like you. If any of you are like me, you know the feelings of stress this can bring on that affect you physically as well as emotionally.

Thankfully several years ago, I found Jesus.  And ever since then, he has slowly been reshaping my thinking from worldly thinking to heavenly thinking. He is transforming my desperately flawed thinking into the kind of thinking that glorifies him. I still struggle, it is often a daily battle, but I when I remind myself of his promises, I find peace that is unlike any other.

So can I just say...

Whether you are a meat eater or a vegan,

whether you eat out every night or you fixed home cooked meals every night,

whether you drink nothing but water or you drink soda,

whether you spank your kids when they misbehave or you discipline in a different way,

whether you buy your kids name brand or you buy the off brand,

whether you drive an awesome expensive car or you cart around in a minivan,

whether you work out at the gym or you would rather eat dirt than exercise,

whether you have plenty of cash at the end of the month or you are struggling to make ends meet,

whether you have the best looking hair or are a member of the messy hair don't care club,

whether you have the most radiant skin or your face is covered with acne, dark spots and wrinkles,

whether you love watching TV or you rarely turn it on,

whether you post a thousand pictures of your children or just post pictures of your food,

whether you are new to your faith or are a seasoned veteran,

Stand strong for what makes you the special person that you are. Take it from someone who has had to learn this lesson over and over again. I've spent so much time trying to hide from my own likes and interests just to please people who are just like me struggling with their own misconceptions and thinking.  We can be deceived so easily sometimes into believing the lies and forget what is the real truth.

Let me remind you of the real truth, you are chosen and you are loved. ALWAYS. Set yourself apart and just do you!

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;" Jeremiah 1:5
She teaches me everyday, to just do you!

With love,


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