Turning the What If's into Even If's

I have always disliked the question What if? When Matt and I first got together, he was always asking what if this happened how would you feel? In my immaturity, I would get angry at him because I didn't like to think about the what ifs. Why? Frankly they scared me. When I thought about the what ifs he was inquiring about, I felt like I was losing control. Suddenly all the power I had started slipping through my fingers because the what ifs can bring you to places you don't know how to deal with.  It's amazing where your mind can go sometimes if you let it. 

Matt is very practical and analytical sometimes, more so than me so he tries to imagine all the possibilities that could happen so he'll be prepared. While this can be very helpful and a sometimes a good thing, other times he can scare the mess out of me. Often I'll say "Well thanks Matt, I hadn't thought of that." Then I'll start singing that song from Father of the Bride 2, "Every party has a pooper that's why we invited you, party pooper."  Two things I must say about that 1. It's probably not the most mature thing I've done. 2. If you've never seen that movie, you must!

The what ifs are something we both are working on so when I ran across this quote the other day, it really stuck with me. I think this is the answer we both have been looking for.

It said, "What If = Fear; Even If = Faith"

Black and white. The what ifs cause fear. The even ifs bring faith.

You see the what ifs leave you with nothing but your own power. The what ifs remind you that you are only human and your power is limited. On the other hand, the even ifs leave you with a sense of peace. The even ifs remind you that there is a greater power than yourself and he is steadfast and unchanging. There is hope with the even ifs because you can rest assured that he is in control even though you might not see him at that very moment. The even ifs remind you to have a little faith that God will keep his word.

So I started turning my what ifs into even ifs...Game Changer!

What if my children get hurt or are sick turns to Even if my children or hurt or sick, I know you will take care of them in your way.

What if my plans don't work out the way I want turns to Even if my plans don't work out the way I want, I know you have something better in store for me in your time.

What if something happens to a loved one I care so much about turns to Even if something happened to a loved on I care so much about, I know you will work everything out for good in accordance with your will.

What if the evil in the world just keeps getting worse, Even if the evil in the world just keeps getting worse, I know Jesus has already won.

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:3

With love, 



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