To Protect and To Serve

It's a situation no one wants to be in really. Sitting on the side of the road with flashing lights behind you.  You got caught, caught doing something you probably weren't supposed to. Maybe you were speeding, maybe you weren't wearing your seatbelt, maybe your car isn't up to code for driving on the highway.  Whatever it is, most likely you are the reason you are sitting there, waiting for the man in uniform to come to your window to speak with you.

But all you can think about is, how inconvenient this is for you, how much you don't need this right now, and how much you really don't like this person you've never even met.  He's just someone whose getting paid to make the state money, he doesn't care about you or anyone else for that matter. You're just paying his salary.  How dare he pull you over for speeding when just the other day you saw a marked car going well over the speed limit. They are just guys on a power trip, abusing their authority. He approaches you and you greet him with sarcasm and disrespect. After the interaction occurs, you throw the ticket in the backseat and leave with a chip on your shoulder.  Then you proceed to tell everyone you can all the things you were thinking in your head when he pulled you over.

I get it. No one likes to be told they are doing something wrong especially when it comes with a hefty price tag. So naturally, our instinct tells us to take the defense.  Instead of focusing on what it is that we did, we push the blame to someone else, and in this particular situation, almost always the blame is shifted to that man in uniform.

On days like today, when I wake up to the news that a man in uniform has passed away while trying to protect and serve, sadness fills my heart because I know that on more than one occasion before this tragic day, he was probably met with the previous situation.  Probably on more than one occasion he questioned himself as to whether this was the job for him. On more than one occasion he asked himself why do I put up with this? On more than one occasion he probably wondered if he really was protecting and serving his community. On more than one occasion he probably went home feeling stressed because someone just gave him a piece of their mind.

But the next day, he tried again. The next day he kept pursuing his dream of protecting and serving. The next day he kept on keeping on despite the disrespect and the hate.  Hoping for that little glimpse of hope, that little reminder of why he does the job that he does.

I didn't know Trooper Bullard who was killed in an accident last night. My husband didn't know him personally but they did share a commonality. The NC State Highway Patrol. Everyday men and women go out into their community and serve with the risk of  not coming home at the end of their shift.  It's something they sign up for when they decided to become a part of the black and silver community.

Sometimes the risks become reality and on those days we must remember. We must remember that man in the uniform is human just like you. That man in uniform is not invincible. That man in the uniform is not perfect. That man in the uniform will make mistakes. That man in uniform is just trying to take care of his family by working. That man in uniform is someone's father, brother, uncle, son. That man in uniform is not the enemy.

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God.~ Matthew 5:9
RIP Trooper Samuel Bullard


  1. Bless his family! Very well said my friend! RIP Trooper Samuel Bullard!


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