Family Meals

Although we don't get to do them every night, family meals are important to us at our house.  It gives us a chance to sit down together, if only for 30 minutes or so and chat about our day or days sometimes depending on how long it has been.  The schedule we have is not always ideal, but we try to make the best of it and that is why family meals are so important to me.

That being said, family meals aren't always pleasant.

Sometimes the entire meal goes something like this:
"You are not allowed to talk until you take a bite of that green bean," or
"Please use your fork and not your hands for the thousandth time," or
"Please say the blessing again and make sure you say it slower this time," or
"Feet belong on the floor not the top of the table,"
"If I have to tell you one more time to get back in your seat," or
"Do you act like this at school? I sure hope not!"

Sometimes we find out things we don't want to know.  Like what kindergartner wants to marry our eldest daughter or how one of our children told a joke in children's church with a punchline that went something like this, "It's because the skeleton had a itty-bitty tushy."

So as you can see family meals are never dull at our house.  In the moment, it might be frustrating, chaotic, and sometimes a bit overwhelming trying to prepare for it, but mealtime is something I will always try to make time for. I look back on some of our family meals and can only smile at the some of the conversations had, the laughter shared, and I realize it was time well spent.

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.~ Psalm 127:3

With love,


  1. We eat dinner together every night and like you said it is something we look back at and giggle at often! Brantley saying mmmmm and acting like every bite of food is the absolute best thing he has ever put in his mouth to Kenley telling us she wants to be a mommy when she grows up and all about how she is going to cook and what her babies names are going to be! It is def. something I look forward to every single day ... they have no clue how many times I’ve sat back and just watched them at our dinner table! #sweetmemories


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