Not Today Ants

Recently, Olly experienced a rite of passage into childhood that most kids do. She stepped in a great big pile of fire ants. At Sissy's soccer practice, she found a mound of them and stood in them ankle deep until it was too late. They ate her up! 

On the plus side, we now know that she is not allergic to fire ants 😏

Although, I could play the blame game and blame myself for not watching her more closely, I gained much more from this experience by taking a different approach. Instead of pouring the shoulda-coulda-woulda on myself, I took notice of how this whole ordeal changed her.

Now, my almost three year old can spot an ant hill from a mile away. She gives thorough inspection to her stroller when it is time to go for a ride. And you can find her marching around our driveway stomping on each one in her path as if she were saying, "Not today ants, not today."

Attacks from the enemy have gotten me down more times than I'd like to count. I have been like little Olly, knee deep in the ants before I realized they have been ferociously tearing me down and eating me up. You see the enemy is sneaky; coming in the form of something small; using distractions to make you look the other way; keeping your eyes focused elsewhere that way you aren't fighting the battle that you are currently in; Slowly clinging and climbing until he reaches your mind. One bite, two bites, three bites and before you know it you are on fire and writhing with pain. 

You could say Olly has learned her lesson. She has been made cautious. You might say she'll know better next time. While that statement is true, when I look closer I see something more. I see she has gained wisdom and a spirit of power. She knows that she must look out for the ants, but she also knows she can defeat. No longer will she stand in a pile of ants while they viciously attack her little legs. She will be wise; not getting too close to them, but proactive when her path must take her straight though them.

After watching my girl, I realized that even though the threat might never cease in this life, I can overcome. I can overcome because "God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

Disciplined to know there are and will be battles to fight. Equipped with the power of Jesus living within me. And graced with perfect love that drives out all fear. 

Not today ants, not today.

With love, 


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