How Sweet Are Your Words?

Matt and I started dating back in high school. His senior year. We ended up one semester having the same lunch period so naturally we sat together. I always went to the side carts and got a chicken sandwich or went to the concession stand and got a pack of nabs or something. Matt went through the lunch line. After a few times of seeing what he got for the price, I decided it would be much cheaper and more filling to go through the lunch line with him.

One of the first times going through, I  decided I wanted to get french fries with my meal. There were a few people ahead of me and of course they wanted fries too.  When I approached the lunch lady I asked for fries and she told me there wasn't anymore and they weren't making anymore. Me not wanting to push it, moved along and got something else in its place. I checked out and went to sit back down at our usual table. Matt was dragging behind, talking with someone. When he sat down, I gasped and just possibly sent a scowling glare his way. 

I asked, "Where did you get those?" He not knowing anything that happened with me said, "She made them for me." WHAT?! French fries. French fries were on his plate! I informed him that I asked for them and she said they weren't making anymore. He was like, "Babe, you just gotta know how to talk to them."

This was the day that I realized Matt was a sweet talker.

Here we are a number of years later and guess what? Matt is still a sweet talker. Some might call it charming; whatever it is, I can tell you I have seen it work time and time again in his favor.

Remember the old phrase, "You catch more flies with honey." Yep, totally true.

I reflect back on this incident and all the times I have seen him interact with others with his "charm" and realize my words and my tone can completely change a person's day and attitude. I can either catch flies with honey or turn them away with vinegar. How you respond and react has a profound impact on the reactions and interactions you get from other people. 

He is such a people person and is very intuitive about others' emotions and feelings. And I must add that his words are not empty and meaningless, as some can be considered when labeled with a title such as "Charmer". He may turn it up a notch, but all that he speaks is true and heartfelt. I know that for certain.

 He helps me remember:
"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24 

I pray he always keeps on talking.

With love,


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