Be Different
I remember being told on more than one occasion I was a straight and narrow kind of girl. I'm not calling myself perfect, but I do not like being disapproved of so I try to to everything to keep that from happening. Nicknames like teacher's pet, square, prude, stuck up, boring, goody two shoes were the ones I acquired throughout childhood and adolescence.
I was told to let go and get off the straight and narrow and follow the curves that life has to offer. It got to the point where I was told that so much I truly thought that was what I was supposed to do. I tried to fit in; I strayed off my straight and narrow path because I wanted to be accepted and not be made fun of. Each time I veered to the left and the right, the result was just what I had been looking for...acceptance. Oh yeah, I was loved because good girl went bad, for a little bit anyways. It was almost like a badge of honor I was given for doing something wrong.
Talk about a confused little girl. That's what I was. On one hand, I heard my heart telling me that all these things I strayed for were wrong, I knew it. But on the other hand, I had the world shouting at me, stop being such a good girl, live a little, this is what you're supposed to do.
At the time, I lied to myself and said these things aren't a big deal, everyone else does the same thing. But I knew it was a big deal and not everyone did these things. I just wanted to be loved and I went for the love the world gave.
Why share? Because now as a Christian and a mother, I want to teach my daughters to be different. It might seem cliche, but it really isn't. The Bible tells us we should be a different kind of people. Being different isn't what the world will tell you to be. It's going to scream at you to step off the narrow road and follow the wide path. I implore you, don't do it. Fight it with every part of your being and fight it with the help of Jesus. As a girl who stepped off and is left with scars that are slowly being repaired by His power, I want to help my daughters stay on the straight and narrow. Even though, their relationships might be few and they will endure hardship throughout their journey because of it, their soul will be so much more fulfilled by sticking with it. It will save them, not from every obstacle, but from a lot of heartache that is caused only because we look for love in all the wrong places rather than just focusing our eyes on the cross.
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13-14
With love,
I was told to let go and get off the straight and narrow and follow the curves that life has to offer. It got to the point where I was told that so much I truly thought that was what I was supposed to do. I tried to fit in; I strayed off my straight and narrow path because I wanted to be accepted and not be made fun of. Each time I veered to the left and the right, the result was just what I had been looking for...acceptance. Oh yeah, I was loved because good girl went bad, for a little bit anyways. It was almost like a badge of honor I was given for doing something wrong.
Talk about a confused little girl. That's what I was. On one hand, I heard my heart telling me that all these things I strayed for were wrong, I knew it. But on the other hand, I had the world shouting at me, stop being such a good girl, live a little, this is what you're supposed to do.
At the time, I lied to myself and said these things aren't a big deal, everyone else does the same thing. But I knew it was a big deal and not everyone did these things. I just wanted to be loved and I went for the love the world gave.
Why share? Because now as a Christian and a mother, I want to teach my daughters to be different. It might seem cliche, but it really isn't. The Bible tells us we should be a different kind of people. Being different isn't what the world will tell you to be. It's going to scream at you to step off the narrow road and follow the wide path. I implore you, don't do it. Fight it with every part of your being and fight it with the help of Jesus. As a girl who stepped off and is left with scars that are slowly being repaired by His power, I want to help my daughters stay on the straight and narrow. Even though, their relationships might be few and they will endure hardship throughout their journey because of it, their soul will be so much more fulfilled by sticking with it. It will save them, not from every obstacle, but from a lot of heartache that is caused only because we look for love in all the wrong places rather than just focusing our eyes on the cross.
You will never influence the world by trying to be like it- Unknown |
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13-14
With love,
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