When We Pray...

On the way to Jacksonville the other day, the song When We Pray by Tauren Wells came on the radio. It has quickly become one of my favorites. One of those, "Turn it up! I love this song," kind of thing.  Our favorite songs are the ones that we can relate to; the ones that when we hear the lyrics it just speaks to our soul.

Prayer isn't cookie cutter. Prayer is different in every life and family. It doesn't always look the same, it doesn't always sound the same, and it doesn't always give you the answer you are looking for.  However, one thing is always the same. GOD.

Prayer is powerful. How do I know it works? Because I've seen it at work in countless ways in my own life as well as the life of others.

When I pray, my husband comes home safe at night.
When I pray, my children are healthy.
When I pray, I start seeing areas I can improve.
When I pray, my family receives blessings.
When I pray, I find peace in the hard times.
When I pray, I see healing happen in my friends lives.
When I pray, I find comfort in my fears.
When I pray, I find hope in the what seems hopeless.

She talked to God daily and that is what made her lovely  ~UNKNOWN

If all these things happen just when I pray, imagine what could happen when WE pray?!

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

With love,


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